NSA/CSS Evaluated Products Lists (EPLs)

CD ROM Inc. (CRI) recognizes NSA as the world-leader in providing guidance for the destruction of data on all forms of electronic media. CRI participated in the first evaluated products list for optical discs when the only optical disc available was a CD-ROM. Given the similarities in shape and form (12cm by 1.2mm) for CD-ROM, DVD and Blu Ray, it is imperative that you use a high-security destruction device that has been evaluated for the specific type of media that you wish to destroy. CRI has worked with virtually all sister agencies in other countries who provide guidance in their countries to destroy their versions of classified data but it is fair to say that NSA is the gold standard.

NSA/CSS Storage Device Sanitization Manual
Dated 4 December 2020
NSA/CSS Evaluated Products List for Hard Disk Drive Destruction Devices
Dated October 2021
NSA/CSS Evaluated Products List for Magnetic Degaussers
Dated October 2021
NSA/CSS Evaluated Products List for Optical Destruction Devices
Dated October 2021
NSA/CSS Evaluated Products List for Paper Disintegrators
Dated October 2021
NSA/CSS Evaluated Products List for Paper Shredders
Dated October 2021
NSA/CSS Evaluated Product List for Punched Tape Disintegrators
Dated October 2021
NSA/CSS Evaluated Product List for Solid State Disintegrators
Dated October 2021
NSA/CSS Expired Products List
Dated October 2021

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